Metaphors In Artwork Can Speak Metaphysical Realities



the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

Art is realized and found in a variety of ways beyond what a man's eyes can see.

Art can sometimes seem obvious (its message or its medium), but often times art is not so obvious or clear.

Music is one form of art, as is poetry, that can be visually 'seen' (musical instruments or written words), but is audibly enjoyed (heard).

What the art stirs in the mind, and makes the heart ponder or reflect, is the aim.

Some art is quite powerful in this way... pulling people higher or pushing people lower.

That push or pull is often times not intended, or although intended, don't 'work'.

Art can be thought-provoking, inspiring, or instigating.

This is why often times art can be restricted or outlawed or censored.

Art can be liberating... and also restraining.

There is high art... and there exists low art.

Some positive and negative propaganda is art, or artful in its delivery.

Art can be misleading or very honest and truthful.

We are all artists in some way.

Very few of us have a gift or talent that can only be uniquely expressed through us.

We are a work of art... yet some of us don't express the good work we are in a noble manner.

The same gift of chalk and canvas given to all people doesn't always render wonderful and amazing works of art.

Some of these gifts only reflect a mess, a scribble, or broken canvas and chalk unwisely used.

One man's garbage can be another man's work of art (or tools to make art from).

What is considered to be wonderfully artistic to one person, is banal and utterly ridiculous to another.

Some art is honored and expensive, but looks (or sounds) like something a child put together in two minutes.

Perhaps that is the point: to be meaningless.

Or perhaps to simply support a friend who doesn't know how else to earn a living otherwise.

Some of the most lauded pop stars, or musical artists, or honored actors, are actually talentless.

They may reflect, however, a stringent working ethic or a skill for an art form behind the art form they portray.

Many superb artists have existed while never being made popular or widely known.

Art is highly interpretive, and some of the most sophisticated works of art invoke a wide range of interpretations and feelings.

Sophistication doesn't always mean complicated.

Often times less provides more in ways only artistically appreciated or interpretively understood.

Here's an interesting paradox: the worst of calamities, or the most repressive of experiences, can somehow inspire some very amazing works of art.

The struggles and detriments an individual may experience could become the seeds that help(ed) that individual reap a work of art that can change the world.

The same, unfortunately, is true the other way.

Some 'art' popularly considered as 'valuable' or 'important' have only inspired lower manners.

Some works of 'art' have only inspired further death and strife.

Some people's so-called 'art' is simply depravity labeled and beguilingly marketed for sale (or freely given away).

Although sex, sexuality, and the human body is a work of 'art' gifted to mankind, the sacredness of it has been hijacked and pandered for a pittance.

What is most meaningful and intimate is publicly displayed and made to seem worthless and empty.

Where an inheritance, or dowry, or prestigious legacy previously accompanied someone (and somehow beckoned a sense of 'value' to the divine union between a man and a woman), now anyone who exposes their putrid heart and bellowing mind can be considered an artist... or someone worth honoring.

The profane has been marketed as 'art'.

Notice how fast and easily profanity sells.

Some art is amazingly thoughtful and appealing, while other art is only labeled as such to appease or fool consumers.

Some 'art' simply perpetuates already detrimental patterns eternally frustrated in man.

The human spirit responds to and reflects the world around it, whether that world is sorrowful or joyous.

Your taste in certain forms of art may somehow define you... who you've been, who you perceive yourself to be, and who you are becoming.

For some, art is a tool to express their current mood, or to beckon a mood desirous to be revisited.

Consider however many times a particular song is heard... the emotions connected to it when it was first heard somehow never disappear.

The thought patterns or how the memories are recalled may change, but often times they are only reinforced.

Some forms of art grows on you... and may seem to become better appreciated over time... likely as you grow older and hopefully wiser and more mature.

One particular metaphor that speaks a metaphysical reality I recall from a very famous movie franchise.

Star Wars.

One of the latter episodes depict an older Luke Skywalker fighting a bad guy, but not in the flesh.

Rather, he does so as / through a kind of avatar... all the while sitting meditatively many miles away on an island.

This, to me and according to my interpretation, speaks to the teaching of righteousness from Above.

In depending on the light, forwarding love even for one's enemy, and responding to darkness (or hate, fear, hostilities, even death) according to the teaching of righteousness explained in the 12th chapter of the letter to the Roman church, art can often times point to the Way.

In faithfully depending on God to fight one's battles, the disciple of Christ never gets their hands dirty... rather it is angels of light who 'fight' the battles (battles originating and ending in the spiritual realm) similar to Skywalker's avatar in the movie.

For those whose hearts and minds are currently molded and influenced by dark art (whether religions or secular concepts denying His Messiah - the Way of Love), they likely also interpret metaphors meant to beckon light in ways shadowy and dark.

Thus the manner some art seems contradictory according to interpretation... besides its intention or inspiration or claims.


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