Imagine Yourself Traveling On A Straight Desert Road...
... and you see that path extends as far as your eyes can see.
Before it gets too small to 'see', it noticeably turns upward into the heavens.
As you traverse this desert road, you can see thunderstorms along that long some stretches of that path.
At times, you see all kinds of debris strewn across the highway.
Yet you know that by keeping to that straight road, a clear path is provided.
Ways around, over, and through all trouble is possible... so long say you keep on the road.
The path is narrow compared to the great expanse of the surrounding desert.
I recall a similar sight on a road trip to a popular desert town known more for gambling than anything else.
[to be clear, the road did not turn upward into the heavens]
It did, however, seem to 'rise' as it made its way to meet some hills after many miles of an expansive valley.
Life can often times be like a solitary road surrounded by arid deserts.
A challenging journey with occasional storms attempting to blow you off the path.
But the surroundings shouldn't distract from the fact you are found on the road in the first place.
That path, although traversing a desert, is solid, smooth, and straight.
It is clear most times.
You can see in front of yourself most of the time and for most of the way.
The storms are momentary, the debris brief obstacles.
If one were to leave the straight road, one of several things are likely to happen.
Going from the path and off to either side, one can get dirty, hurt, possibly die.
What is found besides the straight and narrow road and the sure path?
The desert is comprised of sand... what previously was likely nutrient rich soil, now depleted.
Although the sand looks like solid ground, and in most cases can sustain the weight of people or heavier things, it is a multitude of very small granules.
Sand can cause much trouble.
You can sink into it.
It can slow you down if you try to run.
If it gets into your eyes, it can lead to temporary or complete blindness.
Sand is not easy to get rid of once it gets into your shoes or clothing.
It can cause abrasions on your skin and great discomfort... even after it is washed away.
One should expect some sand to come onto the road every now and again, but the road provides for continued and solid travel, unlike the engulfing sand of the desert.
It's a different story when your 'road' is the desert and all is sand.
Deserts usually have a variety of plants, bushes, trees; all kinds of natural growth.
Some desert plant life is poisonous if eaten, or if simply touched or having rubbed against your skin.
Often times desert plant life is thorny, having sharp and sticky needles of all sizes and types.
A casual brushing up against such plant life can leave all kinds of thorns and stickers on your body and clothing.
These are sometimes not easy to remove from the skin or one's clothes.
These too leave a lasting pain and discomfort after being fully removed.
Although thorny bushes may be swept across the road by winds and storms, they can be seen on the path and thus avoided.
It is a different story when walking among thorny bushes.
When trying to avoid one, you may walk into another one, and perhaps yet another, and so on.
One should expect thorny bushes every so often on the road, but often times coming to a stop, or slowing down, or being still allows thorny bushes to simply blow across the path.
Snakes are one of many creepy crawly critters found in deserts.
These creatures are not always easily seen or heard, usually hiding and waiting to pounce on prey.
When they are found, it can be a surprising and perhaps unwelcome find.
All snakes bite.
Some snakes are venomous.
A bite from a venomous snake can kill a person in minutes.
Although snakes can cross the straight path, they can be seen when on the road.
One can see from which way they came and which way they are going.
It shouldn't be surprising to find a snake hiding in rocks or beneath thorny bushes when walking in a desert.
Thus one should also expect snakes on life's path every so often, and expect them more often if / when leaving the road.
And now for the better and clearer lessons:
In the paths of the wicked are snares and pitfalls,
but those who would preserve their life stay far from them.
- Proverbs 22: 5
Your journey starts very early in life.
With parents aware of their noble responsibility, they can prepare a child for life's snares when the Path is clarified, the Road clearly taught.
Start children off on the Way they should go,
and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
- Proverbs 22: 6
When a child is placed on the Path, they can best maneuver any sand, thorns, or snakes that come across the Road.
As they grow older, they will better recognize if or when they have left the straight and narrow.
Enter through the narrow gate.
For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to Life, and only a few find it.
- Matthew 7: 13-14
A pretty or unique looking flower may beckon a closer look from the Path, but sometimes only a glance is enough.
Instead of a closer inspection that may draw sand into one's shoes, thorns into one's skin, and snakes to sting their venom into you, it best to:
Let your eyes look straight ahead;
fix your gaze directly before you.
Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.
Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.
- Proverbs 4: 25-27
I have found something quite amazing that made me ever so grateful.
I had perceived to have left the straight and narrow.
This was according to my heart's condition, my mental distemper, and my way of life.
Yet His love for me, learning about His grace, and what He accomplished on my behalf, clarified many things previously confused.
I realized He had been there despite my most dire of desert travels.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.
- Proverbs 3: 5-6
It is amazing, and quite miraculous, when we submit to God even when far from the Path.
He is able to clear a Road where no road previously existed!
He surely is faithful.
He returns us to His Way, His Path, the Way, the Truth, the Life of Yeshua Christ.
May His Name be forever praised!