Open Your Eyes

One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent.  For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.”  So Paul stayed in Corinth for a year and a half, teaching them the word of God.

- Acts 18:9-11

Today I met two individuals whose conversation caught my attention as I walked past them.  An all too familiar notion told me to turn around and speak to them.  I heard one of the gentleman talking about justice and safety.  My question to what they were talking about was answered with good news; God is truly moving men beyond what men have learned from religion. 

I had seen a chalk-written invitation on the ground at the entrance to an apartment building a few weeks earlier; an open invitation directing passersby to dinner.  I recalled it to the two gentlemen as they were telling me about their efforts in reaching out to their neighbors ( it was them who had done the invitation ), to befriending neighbors and turning strangers into friends.  I was encouraged to hear this and we began to discuss some things.

After some time one of the gentlemen mentions Christ in response to me saying that the way to reach people is to love them, to be patient with them, for many are broken and come from broken homes, thus why people have a need for safety.  We agreed that Christ is the Author of how to love people, much like Steve Jobs was the architect to how a computer works ( loosely what one of the men said ).

As we discussed and shared our insights and thoughts, I realized that God has already been moving in the hearts of men to make His will be done.  We acknowledged the failure of organized religions and how they have become a professional business lacking the substance of what is depicted in the gospel.  I was very encouraged to realize that God has opened the eyes and hearts of not only these two men, but those which they break bread with, to reach others in the natural way of love and friendship... not with compulsion to convert someone, not using fear-based tactics to scare people into believing in God, but simply to love and reach out to those within walking distance from their homes.  What a concept, right??

It was refreshing to share a prayer with them and hear their hearts speak faithfully to their mission to simply be like Christ to others.  What else is there than to love others as you would love yourself ( while loving God first and foremost )?  They were edified in what I had to share with them as I was edified in what they shared with me.

May our heavenly Father grant them the desires of their hearts and bless their efforts according to the gospel of Christ!


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