This World's Poetry

The less I read, or listen to, or follow current political events (or non events), the clearer I see politics for what it is.

The more anxiety I notice in those choosing to listen to the noise (and it is mostly noise)... and thus plague themselves.

The same thing happened when I took a break some years ago from looking deeply into the law and the concepts of rights, government, taxes, etc..

Concepts became clearer and a greater understanding was provided.

Taking a respite after years of looking very closely allowed for a bigger picture to appear.

The same thing also happened when I stepped away from organized religion many years ago.

The things my relatives or friends had pointed out to me became clearer.

Being too close to the center of human things may render a nearsightedness.

An inability to see what is embraced and its accompanying thorns may, and usually does, occur.

Concepts difficult to understand can later be easily summarized... if and when we are able to view them more objectively.

When I removed personal motivation, personal taste, and personal peeve did my role within, among, and without certain constructs become much clearer.

They became clearer for what they were, and I (my person) became clearer for what I am and who lives in me.

Nearsightedness was clarified with a 20/20 visual correction.

I think it is not possible to 'leave' the constant constructs of this world; politics, law, religion, et al, since our physical lives are fully immersed in any given culture and society.

Even if the human finds a pristine natural landscape, that human is bound (demanded) to interact with that landscape... and a winter can be harsh as a wild animal can be dangerous.

I don't suppose one can physically remove themselves from any construct, but possibly temporally and only for a time.

Surely spiritually, and this is the point or supposed aim of the world's religions.

But who did it best?

This is why it is said the kingdom of God is within you - among you - in your midst, etc..

This is also why it is said no one can enter nor see the kingdom of God without being born again.

When we look past the physical attributes invoked by thought, word, and deed, we may be able to better understand their origins.

We may begin to realize how powerful words truly are.

How weighty thoughts are... giving rise to words.

We may ponder the notion of the origin of all things: Spirit.

Spirit sparks thought conveyed as word bringing about manifestation.

Since the human is a spirit-being experiencing a physical construct, the human is physically subject to, and embattled by, the things of this world.

This is why politics can be dirty business and quite cruel (while also necessary and somewhat accomplished).

This is why the laws of men can be hypocritical and unjust (while also seemingly consistent and just).

This is why religion can be very dangerous, just as dirty, cruel, hypocritical, and unjust as the other human constructs in this world.

It is when religion is identified for what it is, and righteousness is experienced and lived in who He is... that this world's poetry is recognized for what it is.


Wanda Cbear said…
The last line is so beautiful!
Thank you for that kindness.

I wonder if the muse (myself) can take credit for what inspires them (He who lives in me)?

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