Warm Bodies: A Movie Reflection

I prefer realism rather than abstraction, although the abstract can convey a message.
I prefer non-fiction to works of fiction, although I've been impacted by works of fiction.

I like watching movies... especially ones based on true stories or derived from real events.

A movie can be a work of art that speaks to you in ways likely unintended by its producers.

Similar to a painting, or a song, the maker may have a certain message intended while a variety of messages may be conveyed.


Most messages are dependent on interpretation when it comes to art.

Interpretation reflects an individual's understanding and life experience.

This is what makes art so compelling and important, and depending on the gravity of the culture art is conceived in - instigating, thought-provoking, revolutionary, and sometimes dangerous.

Books are very much the same, both fiction and non-fiction works.

I lean towards the non-fiction writings.

However, every so often a fictional work does convey non-fiction realities in ways palpable for the unsuspecting audiences.

I find this similar to how jokes work when speaking of serious topics but through a funny manner.

This also speaks to how a bit of salt added to sobering truths make them easier to ponder.

I saw a movie recently that usually falls outside of my preferred genre.

I don't gravitate towards horror or scary movies, and my wife refused to watch them (which I admire).

Most of the movies in this genre I find silly, or so ridiculous I laugh rather than shriek in fear.

The ones that mention factual narratives (based on true events) I do find intriguing.

Again the non-fiction.

I first became aware of this particular movie through its advertisement preceding a feature on a DVD.

From that two-minute preview I knew I had to watch this movie.

Although the movies story was about zombies, it had a romantic comedy theme over the 'horror'.

The premise is what got my attention.

It somehow reflected my life in a metaphorical way.

The story was similar to certain events in my life.

To put it bluntly: I had become nearly dead spiritually... or had fallen asleep.

My heart had grown cold.

But after meeting my wife, God enlivened me once again... through her.

His love, grace, patience, and reaffirmation of previous promises was made real, once again, through my wife.

In this particular film, the female lead accepts the male zombie's dead status shortly after meeting him.

This was similar to how my wife accepted my humanity and saw something in my heart from afar.

I had no idea what happened inside of me when and after meeting my wife... similar to how the zombie thought to himself.

All I can acknowledge was the fact that something had happened deep inside me...and I was changing.

I also noticed what can be argued as a Christian theme towards the end of the film, if that can be fathomed.

By the time the zombie is almost back to being fully warmed, back to being 'human', back to being alive, one other event happens.

In my interpretation, the coming back to life was made firm and complete when he falls into a body of water in attempting to save her.

He intends to sacrifice himself for her sake.

He holds her and places himself in such a way to take the greatest impact when falling from a great height.

They fall into a shallow body of water.

For a moment, it seems he doesn't survive the impact... and is likely dead.

But whether he did in fact die and miraculously came back to life, or simply was momentarily unconscious for a few moments and then came to... is the same.

Somehow, and some way, he comes back to life and his complexion fully changes.

He is once again 'alive'.

He, in my mind, is born again after having risen out of the water.

This is similar to baptism when a believer dies and comes back to life, spiritually, in Christ.

For me personally, it was more like the prodigal son's return and receiving His signet ring.

Just like the usual happy and hope-filled endings in most American films, they both lived happily ever after.

It seems that God loves happy and hope-filled endings as well, because this is how the story of my life has turned out!


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