Defining Security

I overhear two gentlemen behind me talking about the amount of money one has.   

They both agree how this helps him breathe easier.

Why do people see money as a security? 

Money is a piece of paper. 

Money is actually valueless. 

Money has no intrinsic value. 

Money is an idea made by men. 

Money fluctuates in buying power. 

Money is a digital blip on a computer screen.  

The only thing attaching an idea of value or use to money is faith. 

People believe they can get a piece of bread or a gallon of milk with enough money. 

Laws are passed making payments of taxes, rents and bills only acceptable in monetary form.

Money is ‘made’ by one single institution and ‘lent’ / ‘issued’ to other institutions, at interest.

Interest / usury produces a siphon which isn’t understood by ‘sophisticated’ economists.

More debt exists than the amount of money in circulation capable of paying it back.

Checks, promissory notes and other instruments are paper with ideas on them.

The interest amount is never ‘made’ / ‘issued’ to the borrowers.

Paying back all the debt in the world and interest is an insoluble mathematical problem; not possible.

Imagine no money exists.

I ‘make’ a dollar and lend it to you, at interest, at one percent usury.

How are you going to pay me the extra penny I am demanding if only one dollar ( one hundred pennies ) exists? 

Where does the extra penny come from?

Isn’t peace among neighbors a stronger security?

Aren’t viable food sources a stronger security?

Isn’t good health a stronger security?

Isn’t developing talents and skills which are useful and in demand stronger securities?

Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income.

This too is meaningless.

– Ecclesiastes 5: 10


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