Which Way To Educate

My wife and I have decided, the day we are blessed with children, to teach our children ourselves.  I realize every single person on earth has a responsibility to others regardless of their title, economic status and social upbringing.  My wife and I are aiming to be available to raise our children while we ‘work,’ and are choosing vocations which would allow our children to be with us all the time.  We won’t accept work that separates our children and family dynamic.

Looking back on my scholastic career, my mind didn’t really engage ‘learning’ until I was finishing my studies at the university.  It was then I realized school had taught me how to learn, but I didn’t learn this until I was almost done with institutionalized education.  

To make this message very clear; I haven’t ceased learning simply because I have stopped attending organized schooling institutions.  

I want to reach my children’s minds, engage them with conversation and critical thinking as early as possible; allowing them to explore without hindrance.  The things which were distracting me from learning in primary and secondary school were the fantasies portrayed through the media; dreams of being famous, rich, an entertainer like a musician, an athlete or an actor.  These were the vocations which were most desired by so many of my peers.  It wasn’t until I asked myself ‘why’ I wanted to become any of those things that I walked away from them.  Waking up from the dreams marketed to me was when I began to live life and see who I was created to be.

My wife and I intend on breaking the program that so many accept as ‘normal.’  We desire to be the core moral, spiritual, ethical and social examples for our children, not strangers or a system. 


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