The Kingdom Continues

To some, the Gospel's message of love and reconciliation failed.  Some people only see the physical dimension and conclude their thoughts according to physical evidence.  Some believe the disintegration of the Roman Empire included the disintegration of the faith that empire adopted as the state religion.  
To other eyes, the Gospel's message absorbed the most powerful empire at the time and has continued forward, unseen and unknown; anonymous.   The Empire fell and with it the physical expression of religion; yet the message continued. 

This triumph wasn’t by force, but by absorbing wicked attempts to stifle and silence the faithful.  Theirs wasn’t a physical rebellion or bloody insurrection the empire battled.  The effort was to silence the proclamation of a God King not of earthly origins, but a celestial one.  What had been proclaimed and believed could not have been credited to man.  The Jews, Romans nor believers could have taken credit for introducing the knowledge of the Creator’s visit in human form.  The Romans made gods for themselves, as did the Jews, but this God was not of their doing. 

The kingdom of God absorbed the people of the 'known' world at that time similar to how God absorbs the sinner's life Today.

Some ask for the physical evidence to God’s triumph.  The thousands upon thousands of martyrs who went to their death, who did not fight to save themselves, are simple and obvious examples of evidence. 

Shortly after the kingdom of men was consumed by the kingdom of God, a mutation of sorts occurred.  Men in robes, who loved honor and prestige, began to forget their mission of love.  These began to bicker like kings they were sent to serve.  These became blinded by worldly wealth and infighting. 

This too was purposed by the Creator as lessons for us.


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