A Me First Mind Places Me Last

I was reminded today of how selfish I can be.

Years ago, my selfishness was quite extreme.

At that time, I was unaware of the depth of my selfishness.

I was simply acting true to form: how I had been, at that time, molded.

Molded by my own manners and how I had grown to react to the world.

I had learned selfishness from those I emulated growing up.

Again, I was very much unaware of my selfishness... thinking it was just how a man was.

I took family and friends for granted.

Instead of appreciating things people did for me, I often detested their efforts.

I complained about what was not... instead of being grateful for what was.

The examples of selfishness abound.

It is all around us.

Like like idolatry, selfishness seems to be a default position in this world.

Although man is made from things material, man is very different than the material.

Although not all people grow at the same rate or as much as they should, people are able to grow in character.

In contrast, an object does not 'grow'. (non-living objects)

To compare an object with a person, let's consider a car.

A vehicle may be 'brand new', but that is the best it is going to ever be.

Zero miles, not a bit of wear or tear.

Only new is a vehicle in a 'perfect' state, so to speak.

A person, however, grows in several ways after inception.

Considering the surface of the two - the flesh of the person and the skin of the vehicle, notice the flesh grows and matures to an apex.

The vehicle, however, is at its apex the moment it is finished being made.

Eventually the human body begins experiencing entropy.

However, character can (and should) continue to grow despite the body's limitations and eventual break down.

This is why man is distinct and very different from the material world he was made from.

Man is very different from things material, especially things people seem to value more than people.

Mankind is very unique.

Thus why the wealth of the world is more accurately measured through the consideration of mankind, not through the material world itself.

One may consider the use of the material world to serve mankind is not a selfish pursuit, but rather rational due to what I just explained.

However, mismanagement of the earth brings detriment to mankind.. physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

These detriments are also experienced when one man mismanages another man.

Thus there is a level of responsibility that must be adhered to.

When man is selfish with the world and its bounty, notice it is mankind who eventually suffers due to his selfishness.

This is the same principle realized when one person is selfish and inconsiderate with another person.

The selfish person suffers mostly, but likely unknowingly.

The selfish person is likely so consumed by themselves and their needs, their manners reinforce their temperment.

The other person surely feels the effects of the selfish person's selfishness... and it is the one who suffers who learns, and grows, and overcomes.

Interesting how it is the downtrodden who are gifted the more important things in this life.

Things like eyes to see, character, faith, hope, and love.

The selfish, although aiming at things perceived to be most valuable material-wise, are those robbed of the true wealth to be realized while in the flesh.
So the last will be first, and the first will be last. 
- Matthew 20: 16


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