Analogous Meanderings

Human language often fails to precisely talk about the things of God.

God is Spirit.

Spirit is invisible, undetectable, indescribable.

Human examples might come close to identifying the unseen work of God.

Mankind is curious about the unknown, the unseen.

Using words of men, some things unknown may be mentioned.

The closeness the unknown may become known may be like a light year in proximity.

In other words: man's language can be way off although sounding like truth is being spoken.

The children are made known through the thoughts of their hearts, inspiring words and actions.

Those thoughts, words, and action reflect love and light from Above.

Our hearts speak one language although our human languages may differ.

Although our doctrines are dogmatic to one other, their conflicts do not overshadow His light.

The children learn to resolve all things through love, peace, and humility.

This is why the Word of God is the only language that speaks of the Way, Truth, Life.

God is love.

Love is the most powerful force in the universe.

Love is what man can come close to perceive and acknowledge.

According to how God defines love, not how men perceive what love is.

For the children, God's love is made fully known in Messiah.

His love keeps believers together.

His Spirit bonds believers into one.

Although some ideas may sometimes be dissonant, His Love teaches humility and peace despite misunderstandings.

His Spirit beckons submission to God and man.

To trust God in all things, in all situations, and to keep one's hands clean and pure.

For others, love is unknown and defined in ways earthly.

Confusing religions speak of 'peace' yet teach violence.

They perceive this is how to love God.

Every saint, previously the sinner.

Every saint, while still in the flesh, struggles with temptation and sin. 

Every saint continues to be a 'sinner' until that moment their soul is released to God.

Salvation's promise does not include immunity from temptation.

On the contrary, it is through suffering temptation that men learn obedience.

Choices are always provided to avoid sin (a way out).

Until the believer is perfected (upon shedding the cloak of flesh), the taint of this world persists.

Sinners are, after all, saved by His grace.

A state of grace that covers the hidden sins - sins unknown or still unaware to the believer.

Grace absorbs the thorns God has allowed so the believer can choose humility in all circumstances.

I very much desire my thorns to be removed.

Yet I understand their constant reminder does its proper work.

Temptation's task reminds me of where I currently am (still in the flesh on earth, still an eternal soul experiencing a temporary journey).

Temptations help me learn what it truly means to be obedient.

Fanning my faith into action.

As obedience grows, a heart is changed into light.

The purification process.

The soul purified through the work of His Spirit.

Surely the notion that knowledge of good and evil was something desirable, became a thorn.

When I think of the teaching that says 'to the pure all things are pure', I realize the relentless weight of knowing what is sin.

To focus a search on the good God is doing is wiser than desiring to 'see' all that is evil and wrong in the world.

Please God remove the knowledge of things detrimental so I may see more of your goodness.

It is less about ignoring what is wrong, but not allowing such a focus fester in the heart and bring about doubt and confusion regarding God's love, grace, kingdom, and all the rest of the things invisible and still widely unknown.

The teaching of grace is very much misunderstood or not properly taught, I think.

As the lesson of grace comes into clearer view, gratitude for God's invaluable gifts overflow into greater understanding.

After the sinner has come to somehow understand how God has saved them (through Messiah) or why (to bring Him glory), they are asked to do good henceforth.

Consistent is the reminder to leave evil practices behind... as sin is revealed, repentance is the response.

Not every thing suspected of being 'bad' or evil is such.

Lord increase the faith in your faithful so they may see the protection you have around them.

Show them how truly there is more with us than with those of the world.

May you transform the hearts and minds of your earthly kingdom in such a way that their nationality, their religion, their heritage, and other carnal prides are rendered moot in the light of Your love.


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