Better To Be Lowly In Spirit - A Prophet's Calling

What my earthly crown looks like from my perspective.
His covering over my head.
His anointing, not by my will, but His will.

How people are remembered says a lot about how they may have lived.

How they are remembered also says a lot about people's opinions of them.

The opinions can be accurate, extremely exaggerated, spiteful.

Someone can be remembered in a loving way, or hateful way.

It is possible to describe someone either neutrally or indifferently.

Notice how people from the past can be honored, or dishonored, and all points in between.

How someone is later talked about can be attributed to the impressions they left on others.

Someone's frayed humanity may be highlighted in order to bring them low.

Or perhaps their redeeming qualities are acknowledged in order to bring praise to their name.

It is wise to reflect upon any person's humanity while also looking for the redeeming qualities they may have exemplified.

Public opinions are plentiful when it comes to people from the ancient past and even in more recent times.

Some historic figures have been raised to such a status that to think of them as a 'sinner' or anything less than 'perfect' can be construed as hateful or blasphemous.

But every human being has had their humanity to deal with.

Every human has been (and is) a sinner.

Yet there once appeared One who, although put on the clothing of flesh, did not transcend Holiness.

There is only One who was predicted to be 'Perfect' in thought, word, and deed... and would walk among His creation.

Only One was proclaimed to have walked the earth in Perfect Peace with all others.

Only One has been talked about in a praiseworthy manner, having acted in purity according to God's Law while in the flesh, fulfilling the requirements of God's Law as no human was able to.

His legacy confirms the glory given Him before He came to exist in the flesh.

Eternally... and in 'time', before the Word became flesh - before the Spirit manifested in a way visible to man's eyes.

What of those who are less than perfect according to their flesh, yet have been called higher according to His Spirit?


The prophets are honored, and this is accurately done.

They are honored for persevering during many trials.

Honored for their submission to every call God asked of them.

Honored for their example of faith in the face of doubt.

Some people Today would desire to be prophets themselves.

I am not sure some religious people know what they are asking for, or desiring.

The role of a prophet was not typically 'honored' during their lifetime.

It was not an easy road to traverse, but much difficulty.

These lived outside and beyond customs and cultural norms.

Although the miraculous was comforting, their imaginations were stretched and what was 'reality' was shown to be beyond man's perception of reality.

The fine line they walked was much finer than all others.

Consider how Ezekiel was asked to lay in bed, on one side, for over a year.

From his particular calling, when all that is known of him is read and understood, we can see the calling was not 'glorious' while he lived.

On the contrary, it was challenging and quite strenuous.

Glory comes later.

The perseverance of such people is remembered.

Their victories better understood.

After prophecy is fulfilled is glory clearly revealed in both God and in mankind.

When Elijah was so overwhelmed with fear that he ran for safety to a mountain in a barren desert... only to be corrected about his fears and momentary doubt.

The prophets were mostly abused, ridiculed, mocked, ostracized.

This is part of the calling of the Christian (those called to love and be at peace like Christ).

The prophetic calling is not one of 'choice', as may be understood about becoming a Christian.

The prophetic call brings with it sure blessings and comforts in this world (mostly spiritual comforts), while the physical challenges are also increased.

The public example of the prophet of the past was not always honored... but mostly dishonored by popular attitudes of their time.

Popular religious and political attitudes having a semblance of holiness, but inside being vile and contemptuous.

Mob mentality.

Mobs can be unforgiving, fanatical, easily instigated and prone to violence.

Religious and political mobs act alike.

Although Christ had a following, it was not a popular following... but a fringe compared with popular consensus and fixated tradition.

Yet this 'fringe' did not act aggressively, but peacefully and in full submission to God and men.

The hostile mob, both from the religious perspective and the secular, were directly opposed to what Christ represented.

Such was the same with the prophets over the ages, those who helped usher in His fulfillment of the ages.

What of the prophets of Today?

Since Perfection rose into heaven and left us His Spirit in His stead, what of those who in some way are prophetic in the most subtle and profound ways?

These too are likely not widely known, not popular, but most likely maligned and strongly opposed by most others.

They are not protestors, but peacemakers.

They are not those who seek out argument, but resolve controversy with love and wisdom.

These, as did Christ, correct popular religious assumptions profoundly promoted.

These prophets correct, by their actions and perhaps their words, the religious who only understand according to things physical and literal ... instead of spiritual and beyond the surface.

When these share God's clarity, such clarity runs abrasively against religious traditions and popular notions believed to be 'gospel'.

I don't think the sheep appreciate their safe surroundings, established by the Lord's hand.

It is unappreciative and arrogant, I think, to desire glory in being called to a higher station.

Higher callings are not easily handled or tolerated by every believer.

Again, the honor and glory come afterwards... but while in the flesh, it is a testing atypical of the testing all believers endure.

When Abraham was called to leave his relatives and all he knew for a place unknown... it is difficult to imagine how difficult that must have been for him.

Yes, the Lord spoke to him directly... but Abraham had to endure times of silence and a journey dependent on faith, not physical hand-holding by the Lord.

This is how believers experience His divine nature, when confronted by challenges and overcoming according to His gift of allotted faith.

In His grace, His calling, His everlasting love for me and my sanctified family, I take comfort.

Although I am last in His kingdom in one fashion, it is He who makes me first according to His will.

Although I am called least in His earthly kingdom, He somehow makes me first.

Such a calling brings with it fire.

A fire that burns away all things unclean... yet I suffer that heat, the process of removing my chaff from His wheat.

The inverse of this world is being lived out spiritually.

Turning upside down the kingdoms of men and the idols men make for themselves.

All this in order for His kingdom to be revealed as having been, to be, and to be forevermore.

Surely on earth and according to His Spirit, His earthly kingdom, His earthly king, His royal house on earth, His entire family is not easily 'seen' through human eyes.

It is not clear His providence manifested on earth in all places, high and low, public and private, known and unknown.

But the little glimpse He has granted me teaches me.

He teaches me how not to expect a 'nicer' experience than the Prime Example of the Lord on earth (Christ).

He teaches me not to think I will avoid the challenges His prophets, both past and present, have endured.

I, like you the faithful body of Christ in all its wonder, reading my testimony, have trials and challenges and glories to fulfill in His Holy Name (Yeshua).
In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. 
And have you completely forgotten this Word of encouragement that addresses you as a father addresses his son? 
It says, “My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when He rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and he chastens everyone He accepts as His son.” 
Endure hardship as discipline; 
God is treating you as His children. 
For what children are not disciplined by their father? 
If you are not disciplined—and everyone undergoes discipline—then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all. 
Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. 
How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live! 
They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; 
but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in His Holiness. 
No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. 
Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. 
Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. 
“Make level paths for your feet,” so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed. 
Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; 
without holiness no one will see the Lord. 
- Hebrews 12: 4-14
May He be glorified in all He has ordained in our lives... for this life is fleeting glimpse, and His eternal Life a blessed reality already made real in our hearts and possibly in our minds.


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