Blast From The Past - Tempted To Revise My History

I was recently reading some of my work from 2011 and 2012.


Not sure if I’m embarrassed, shocked, or a bit humiliated by what I wrote.

Likely those three sentiments and several others.

I've been tempted to completely edit or delete some of my expressions from that time in my life.

At that time, as still is Today, I was aiming at growth.

If I were to edit or delete past writings, I think I would prevent any bit of likely evidence others may notice regarding my growth.

(I'm hoping at least one person may notice a bit of growth).

I personally believe I've grown, matured, graduated to some degree away from who I was six or seven years ago.

What I do know is that some day in the future (distant or contemporary) my work / words may be considered by others.

Some of it will likely be found humorous or way off base... some other things, not so much.

I'm sure people will be apt to dismiss it altogether, while others will 'see' as I have seen.

Some of it may be interpreted in literal form.

For most of it, such an interpretation would be correct.

But not all of my work can be literally construed.

Some of it allusive.

None of it fiction (besides storied examples in describing real-world realities).

I don't aim for fiction in my work.

Anything construed as fiction should be considered analogy.

Or an attempt to parable.

Although some of my past written work may be embarrassing to me today, or too revealing of a past clouded, it is to His glory in how He has brought me from such a place.

It is representative of His grace.

His grace in still loving me despite my arrogance, pride, erroneously incorrect attitude.

And if I continue writing six or seven years from now, the same will be shown at that time regarding Today (end of the Lord's year 2018).


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