Are You In The Kingdom According To Flesh Or Spirit?
Like a Rubik's Cube is the rendering of God's message on a man's heart regarding His kingdom.
It is God's Right Hand which aligns all colors on their proper sides.
It is man's many faulty notions, abounding as their favored brand of 'gospel truth', which frustrates the work of God.
Not much God being frustrated, but His workers toiling day and night in His fields of redemption.
The frustration is felt by the vessels tasked with proclaiming the kingdom through their lives.
There exists lots of spiteful and hateful speech against those who are, according to the Spirit, part of the body of Christ.
These are rarely recognized by religious zealots, or state-branded religious authority, as brothers.
It is likely those who accuse and complain are the ones who are not brothers... but the finger pointing often times distracts from that point.
It is by man's words and man's misunderstanding of another man's words the body of Christ is physically divided.
By such physical division is a man's heart tempted to trespass the very message commanding him to be bonded with his brethren (or all who proclaim Yeshua as the Lord revealed from Above).
I tell you that physical divisions do not prevail over the unity of the Spirit.
The Spirit is One and such the children of God are one in Spirit.
This is why, on a great and glorious Day, when the veil of this world is finally fully removed, many who may have been perceived as 'lost' would be revealed to have been found by Him despite their thorns.
Many who, according to doctrinal and dogmatic abnormalities were considered 'wrong', would be revealed as having had been made right by Him despite their ignorance.
A multitude who were maligned and lambasted for historical atrocities committed by their predecessors would be revealed to have also been gifted grace by Him despite a very faulty or dissonant ideological manner.
This is why there will be found sheep among the goats in all places, peoples, organizations, and religious ideologies.
Since the world is His, His fields cover the earth.
From these fields are the sheep now grazing, and they are daily harvested.
His sheep are sifted by the poor manners of the goats, those pretending to know Him (accusers and fault finders, instead of encouragers, prayerful and merciful).
From the most extreme protestant faction to the most orthodox stance (and all points in between from every religious idea of man), from these will be brought out the sheep.
Wheat will be separated from weed.
The problem is men attempting to do the separating, on their own, using their own words and ideas.
As if a man's mind can determine the manner God's kingdom works in all its majestic glory.
The slightest degree in deviated opinion can cause major riffs where unity is the calling.
Acknowledging and confessing Yeshua as the Lord thy God is the start for your heart.
What was to become of the spiritual kingdom of God found in and among the physical vessels of His Temple, was mentioned by Christ.
From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence, and violent people have been raiding it.
- Matthew 11: 12
Does the kingdom of God 'fail' due to the violence of men?
Does the message somehow cease to be proclaimed from the body of Christ despite violent men atop an organizational apparatus?
Of course not.
But suspicious and doubt-filled men see it this say.
The warnings about eventual contentions that would arise between those sealed in the Spirit, and those more focused on themselves, their positions, the opinions of others, political pandering, and things physical, had been previously given.
Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Yeshua, with eternal glory.
Here is a trustworthy saying:
If we died with Him, we will also live with Him;
if we endure, we will also reign with Him.
If we disown Him, He will also disown us;
if we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot disown Himself.
Keep reminding God’s people of these things.
Warn them before God against quarreling about words;
it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen.
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the Word of Truth.
Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly.
Their teaching will spread like gangrene…
- 2 Timothy 2: 10-17a
The sad reality that men would eventually run after other men, instead of continuing the race alongside the Lord in humility and at peace with all men, was mentioned.
How men judge others according to choice in words expressing their faith, and even the smallest detail having nothing to do with loving others, was to come.
Come it has, and such ignorance continues to spread... like gangrene.
Some who have only been fed milk by the Lord desire to be chefs cooking meat.
Those who are actual meat eaters, and know precisely how to cook that meat to a well done flavor, are vilified and ridiculed as imposters by milk drinkers.
And then there is everyone else, swayed by a sea of opinion... while God is tenderly speaking to every man's heart... asking them to consider their ways, and place Him Above and over all their manners.
The elect few ... the pillars of the kingdom of God on earth ... are those who bring attention to such divisiveness.
They point out where love is lacking.
They point out this myopic paradigm that blinds one brother from another.
These teach the Way of love by their lives more often than by the use of words.
This is how Christ is 'seen' on earth... but the wicked never recognize, but one day they too will remember.
Notice how there is so much suspicion about particular parts of the body of Christ.
Some groups protest and accuse a previous group about intrigue, injustice, high crime, and notable wickedness.
Instead of identifying individual sinners or conspirers and how such things happened, an entire group is vilified and judged as 'wrong'.
Instead of dissecting the portions of doctrine and dogma that seem problematic, the entire historical account since the 1st century is reinterpreted and highly reinvented to suit the contentions.
Contentions lacking wisdom.
Even the fundamentals have come under attack, all because of religious violence attacking the kingdom by those pretending they know Christ.
In a literal manner, this contention is fallacious on its face.
Utterly rebellious in nature.
When examine, political notions are obvious.
Financial motivation clearly noted.
Identity crisis the causal effect, since men identify with outer appearance and not the Spirit's teaching.
Much how God allows violent men to attack and raid the kingdom on earth, it should be no surprise when God also allows a man of violence to occupy lofty positions in the Church.
Yet church groups are not wholly the invisible kingdom of God... while the kingdom of God is found in and among and beyond church walls.
It is a shame when people fail to recognize when a man of peace replaces a man of violence.
Instead, they continue only to see the past and not the now.
I recall being a part of a non-denominational church group whose doctrinal stance was largely comprised of polemics against their more orthodox predecessors.
What seemed agreeable was adopted, what was not clearly understood or interpreted in a way pleasing to a milk drinker was adopted as 'more accurate gospel'.
Instead of teaching love and unity despite misunderstandings, suspicions and intrigue was taught.
Instead of teaching to properly discuss divisive ideas in a kind way, outright judgment and condemnation was the dogma I was taught.
Such harmful manners were touted as proper and 'good'.
Judging by mere appearances.
A pattern seen since the First Council of Nicaea which failed to resolve peacefully as the First Council of Jerusalem.
Violating the very subtle and profound teaching of humility and love - the teaching of the Holy Spirit.
Instead of extending united love for confessors of Christ as Lord, men argued over their words... and their love waxed cold.
If one is led astray to judge others according to words, attire, doctrines and dogmas, how easily one is deceived into condemning someone likely their brother in Christ according to the Spirit.
Notice it is not according to much 'knowledge' (knowing things) that one is saved and revealed to be elected by God.
It is not by association with a particular group that one is found in the kingdom.
It is so much more profound according to God's will, and so little having to do with man's pettiness and striving effort.