The 'Change' Is Already In Your Pocket

Truth is like a drug for some people... it is for me.
Truth inspires, motivates, makes me dream.
The Truth gets me 'high' and takes me away from the lies of this world.
Truth is hard to come by sometimes, because we get in its way.
We also think others are in the way of Truth, but that is a matter of perception.
No matter how hard a government, religion, or an individual tries to obscure Truth...
...Truth is self-evident to those whom Truth reveals Himself to.
Truth is the most addicting 'drug' man has ever known, thus why it is outlawed in full form on earth.

A change for the better usually comes from the outside of any given group.

In politics, new or corrective ideas are often initially fostered from outside sources.

Entrenched political groups, ideologies, and social structures rarely 'change' from the inside.

Political blinders.

We see the same reality when it comes to markets, industry, and business.

Notice how the effort towards clean and renewable energy did not sprout from within current energy providers / producers.

Rather, the industry has been slowly changing because of people starting new companies outside of the current establishment.

Economic and ecological blinders.

This is why advocating for someone, or some 'thing', or some group to 'change' doesn't always work... or cause them to change.

Instead, what works is an example of change in an individual, movement, or other group.

Do it yourself.

Political, religious, economic, health ... any reform that is desired, often happens when the new replaces the old.

That replacement is initially by a real-world example.

That example may find themselves inside a stagnant group... or outside such a stifled group.

This is how entire industries rise and fall, old regimes break apart and new ones are formed.

The same dynamic is evidenced in religious thought and attitudes.

Not all priests or kings were directly spoken to by God when it came to change in the word 'repentance'.

Rather, God would often send unknown prophets to certain priests and / or kings.

Religious blinders.

Since God is One and His body is One although made of many parts, when reform comes through repentance, that outside influence is not a 'different' body, nor separate from the current.

The change is simply coming from another part of His body eternally united in Him.

In this way we should approach secular changes... those intended and those witnessed.

People that do not 'change' along with what is evidently better, or more correct, or truer, become examples of pride, arrogance, and the variety of historical lessons we may now appreciate.

A caveat, or caution, that should also be acknowledged: not all 'change' is actually for the better.

There have been well-intended efforts that brought more trouble than the initial trouble being addressed.

The manner change is brought about is vital.

You could be right... but how do you express, teach, showcase what is right from wrong?

Through love.

This is where the concept of 'peaceful revolution' is key.

Peace being the aim in all manners.

If an individual human being needs to revolutionize their heart and mind every so often (our practice), how much more do societies need to do so as a whole?

Society can be influenced even by a single person at a single point in time.

Is that influence towards the positive or negative... and what are the negative and positive derivatives that have transpired?

As an individual can be corrupted or negatively influenced by popular notions or ill-aimed cultural constants, how much more should the individual be aware of their own manners?

To break away from overriding influences is revolutionary in itself.

What is popular is not always what is right, or better.

What is 'typical' today is not always what has been best.

Much how words spoken in love and peacefully can go very far and inspire good works, so also words spoken in angst and hostility go far and inspire wickedness.

Initial reforms are often times initially opposed, ridiculed, and denounced.

In time, wisdom is proven when all attacks are seen as baseless and when all things have been searched out.

For some peaceful revolutionaries, their efforts have taken centuries to bear cultural fruit... and that trajectory is irreversible.

Thus why, as a general example, the era of burning fossil fuels for energy will soon become extinct.

Maybe in another generation or two, but that extinction is eventual due to its full consumption, and more importantly its negative impact.

When humanity looks back at that era, someone may consider how and why their forefathers seemed ignorant or captivated by such ignorance.

The past, at that future time, may portray the masses being in a stupor for a time.

This is usually what a new generation 'sees' when looking at the previous.

The same may eventually be seen with smoking tobacco that is knowingly produced with addictive elements.

Much how a drug addict fails to face themselves soberly, and would rather make excuses about why they abuse themselves, so does humanity (individually and groups) have difficulty facing their ways and making changes... until change comes.

When the truth of any matter slaps you, change is inevitable... at least in the individual.

The individual has a choice to make: stand with Truth or follow the crowds.

Resistance to positive change causes harm.

People fear change, fear facing Truth when it speaks to their hearts.

There is nothing to fear with this comforting notion: physical things depict things invisible.


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