A Matter Of Time
Today a decision was made by the planet's highest court; the supposed center of human wisdom, justice and jurisprudence. Today's decision by nine individuals consummates a long awaited reflection of western culture. For some, it is a day to celebrate. For others, a day to lament and take warning. For others still, it makes no difference; it was to be expected. These nine souls represent accumulated rules based on human logic, fashioned together according to secular society following popular consensus. To expect moral, ethical and spiritual guidance from this circle of nine is to incorrectly recognize how things have been established.
There is an account of a flood in the Epic of Gilgamesh, matching Scripture's testimony. Both depictions are practically identical. Some believe they speak of the same event, concluding the event actually happened. Many lessons can be derived from this account. Speaking to today's event, one lesson is unforeseen disasters are expected by some.
A void exists in nature which supports homosexual procreation/reproduction. In other words, life doesn't continue into the next generation. Man has always taken cues from nature. The natural world teaches man when to plant, when to harvest, when to travel and when to build.
Have we not realized the repeated patterns of life due to the human condition? [a,b,c]
Today's event is being called the triumph of love. This is partially correct. Love teaches to accept people despite themselves and their indifference to what is true, right and correct. Love teaches one to embrace their enemy, to forgive others their trespasses and accept the individual despite their depravity.
However, does tacit agreement apply to the Creator?
When you did these things and I kept silent,
you thought the I Am was exactly like you.
But I now arraign you
and set my accusations before you.
- Psalms 50: 21