Always A Bigger Fish

Had several conversations recently about why the cost of things continually rise over time. Wages don't seem to rise along with the cost of things. I lose my audience when I begin explaining my view of why costs rise ( inflation ). I wonder if my explanation needs an easier concept.

I think I may be speaking a different language. Yet I don't think this is because I'm getting into macroeconomics or using ridiculous terms. It's because I'm speaking a different language than the nightly news. My audience isn't dull or unlearned, they simply rarely hear the order of the English words I speak. The concept I'm presenting is uncommon. I speak of things which are missing in the daily dialogue of the propaganda news; identity by consumption; the siphoning effect that interest-bearing loans have; the fact that a loan's interest amount is never issued, only the principle amount.

Imagine no money exists. Here I come along and 'make' a hundred dollars, handing them to you. Now there is a hundred dollars of money in existence. I 'naturally' ask for ten percent back for its use, since I made it. Where will the ten dollars in interest come from? I only made a hundred and I'm asking for 110. Do you have the extra ten dollars? No, and neither do I, because I only made 100 dollars! This is a mathematical conundrum. An insoluble equation. THIS is the reason for inflation, the siphoning effect. This is why people lose.

I don't see making money out of thin air ( fiat currency ) being the major problem. The problem is there is never enough money in circulation to pay back both principle and interest, because only the principle exists, per my example.

This is why usury is wicked in God's eyes.


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