Obedience Produces Order
My son, give Me your heart and let your eyes delight in My ways.
- Proverbs 23: 26
What does obedience render? For some vocations, it saves lives. The fireman follows very precise and strict rules if entering a burning building. The policeman adheres to a protocol and preserves his life and that of his coworkers. The architect works within the rules of math to ensure a building that will withstand the weather, earthquakes and so on. Yet where is the rulebook for the parent? Where is the procedure manual for the father and mother of children?
Do you remember learning a lesson the hard way due to disobedience to the rules or a parent/guardian? Did you realize that you already 'knew' better yet still did things your way or contrary to the rules/instructions? Who was to blame? Laws, rules and methods are in place for a reason. Not all laws, rules and methods are just nor 'right,' but there are some which are inarguably correct, useful and demanding of one's obedience.
If you have children, you surely know how you yearn that they follow your instructions. You, having experienced most aspects of life already, do not desire them to repeat mistakes you or others have made. You know very well the benefits of gaining wisdom and the consequences of disobeying wisdom. You may have heard “do as I say, not as I do.” This is hypocrisy, and one core reason why the next generation repeats the pitfalls of the previous. Have you not realized that your “actions speak louder than words”? You must act according to the instructional words you profess!
A parent living their life according to the Way is a living example for their children and witnesses.
My son, give Me your heart and let your eyes delight in My ways.
- Proverbs 23: 26