Chasing Change Is Up To You: Do The Work

$1.25 one way on the bus.

It's all about reading the fine print.

Learning what is behind the 'front' of noisy news.

Look for the good being done, regardless of what is pandered as ‘bad'.

I'll share two sources, one a news piece, the other a U.S. government link.

Both are about monies for starting a business.

Looking at the two sources, what are some differences between the two?

One is the issue of a recipient's legal status.

Legal status is essential for reasons of tax-payment and identity verification.

Another difference is one offer of monies is a gift (grant), the other is an actual investment (debt / loan to be paid back).

Another difference is one is lent from a non-profit organization started by a wealthy entrepreneur.

The other is a government source (possibly defined also as a non-profit entity).

Another difference is that the non-profit source is being offered because of immigration.

The other has certain requirements for immigrants, yet what is an issue of legality can be remedied.

In both cases people can get going on accomplishing the business of life (such is life).

My suggestion is that people choose some kind of work / business / occupation that is meaningful to them.

An effort that forwards humanity instead of exploiting it.

Work that is considerate of the natural world and moves away from exploiting it and trashing it.

Much how the secrets of cigarette's addictive and harmful properties were hidden away for many years so profits can be protected, such is not the case with the onset of the information age.

Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the world (1 out of 10 die from smoking). (see shame-based campaign government stats)

Two words:

Those are two words that can be regenerated back into the mainstream vernacular when it comes to how one human treats another through the constant of the business world.

When prostitution is 'legal' in some places on earth (and in the United States), as is pornography and other highly exploitative activities, it is obvious that a moral fiber has been loosened.

Small and large businesses can be ethically and morally based.

A business' charter can have such demands written into it, as can a government's state or federal charters that allow any business to pursue revenue generation.

There was a time state sanctioned charters to businesses had an ethical stipulation.

Such a time can be revisited and is evidenced with some individuals and their corporate efforts.

Clean energy is one reality that is now and forever outside of the box of conventional thinking.

In another generation, as cigarette smoking was previously a 'cool' past-time but now becoming more and more an anti-social activity because of its detrimental health affects, so also will clean energy have a similar affect.

The thought of burning fossil fuels that pollute nature and cause detriment in the human body and the natural earth, will be seen as anti-social and ignorant.

Both the government loans / grants and the non-profit charity's loans manners to encourage the redistribution of wealth.

The redistribution of wealth through work, not simply charity or gifted.

These offers come with with stipulations.

For the recipients, these three words:




Aim: to meet the void from a lack of infrastructure in many countries immigrants come from.

Areas that are not business or freedom friendly.

Some places are impoverished regimes ran by sociopaths a bit more mentally challenged than sociopaths found in western countries) 

Persistent wars, or law finagling, or dictatorship-style governance hinders upward mobility.

Where upward mobility is prevented by direct or indirect manners, stratification likely exists to a certain and measurable degree.

At least in western cultures, the payment of tribute / taxes are funneled into some systems that upholds the law.

Working with, and according to, current and internationally recognized law is key.

If reside stateside, and have done your homework regarding a business idea / venture, the offer for monies may be waiting for you.

You simply have to do the work in finding and qualifying for either a 'grant' (monies not needing to be paid back), or more often a loan (debt).

There is even provision for non-U.S. citizens / nationals (see page 8 from this eligibility questionnaire) to receive monies for a business venture.

The money is available and open handed opportunities exist... the two mentioned in this article are only two of many examples.

It's about doing your homework, learning, and doing the work necessary. 

There are rules to life, as there exist rules in business.

If you do not follow the law or at least the rules of any system, then you and only you disqualify yourself.

To make excuses when practically all things knowable is at your fingertips is inexcusable.

Libraries are open at least six out of seven days a week in the U.S..

They contain a plethora of resources about getting your foot in the door of wherever you'd like to go.

Or if you have been fired / laid off, how to get back on your feet. 

In a library you can learn from the best minds about how they overcame whatever life challenge and started their own business (or learned to become self-employed, or simply find a meaningful occupation).

The internet is free at public libraries. 

Sadly, I often see people who should be working towards getting their lives together simply lounging in the library, or surfing the internet in search of mindless entertained.

For those outside the United States, the world's libraries are online and mostly offer free access!

Global citizens of whatever national brand have access to the lessons, directions, and solutions to getting out of poverty.

If coming to America is an impossibility, or the wait too long and arduous, perhaps a search and plan on the work lawfully replacing current incompetent or hostile government.

If an honorable address to government is also an impossibility, there are ways to influence global attention to human situations.

The 'American dream' is not only about a life pursuing consumer products, or wealth.

It is much more.

It is an idea that is currently being exported more than it is imported.

It is the continued ambition of men to bring all peoples and things earthly under a single umbrella.

To some minds, this has yet to happen or will never happen.

In my eyes, it has long happened... and only the details have yet to be publicly shared as to 'how' it happened.

Sometimes an internet search that seeks 'free land offered' is an interesting place to start.

Here is an example in Tanzania.

Or 'free training jobs' in your country or a neighboring country / continent.

I've found that Russia was offering some land for people willing to reside on it, and work it, for at least five years.

Italy is currently offering Italian citizens land if they have a third child.

In pursuing meaning in life, and finding meaning in whatever work you must do to feed yourself, consider the manner such meaning is best realized.
Do not wear yourself out to get rich; do not trust your own cleverness. 
Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle. 
- Proverbs 23: 4-5 
Consider the Way purpose, meaning, and a life lived to the fullest actually is in the light of Christ.
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, 
“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” 
So we say with confidence, 
“The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. 
What can mere mortals do to me?” 
- Hebrews 13: 5-6


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