Select Programming - It's Your Choice
They are best, I think, when the narration is minimal.
When mostly only the sounds of nature are captured along with the visuals.
Animal documentaries are excellent (in my opinion) when the narrator does not anthropomorphize every... single... thing.
When mostly only the sounds of nature are captured along with the visuals.
Animal documentaries are excellent (in my opinion) when the narrator does not anthropomorphize every... single... thing.
If any narration, just the facts as understood through observation.
Although anthropomorphism can help mankind better understand himself and the world, there is a proper measure and a limit to it.
Too much and man may project ideas into or through nature that simply do not exist.
Extreme pet owners do this all the time.
Humanizing animals elevates to human status risking the lowering of humans.
Extreme pet owners do this all the time.
Humanizing animals elevates to human status risking the lowering of humans.
Too little (or no) anthropomorphism and man may think destroying nature is a good idea.
It is irresponsible and destructive when man sees nature as a means to fill his pockets or exploit as a 'thing' outside and unrelated to himself.
Either extreme and man misses his true vocation: the task of proper and responsible nature management.
It is irresponsible and destructive when man sees nature as a means to fill his pockets or exploit as a 'thing' outside and unrelated to himself.
Either extreme and man misses his true vocation: the task of proper and responsible nature management.
Thus, there is a measure to all things.
And this is what I learn when watching a decent animal documentary.
Be wise in your consumption of whatever is marketed to you through media.
Although I am entertained by all kinds of media programming, much of it I find detestable.
So much pandering to ignorance, depravity, and placating people's low demeanors.
It is no wonder the world continues to reflect its programming and the programming the world.
A downward spiral.
But we are called to grow, to propel exponentially upwards.
What should be 'programmed' is a sobering measure of humanity, with that reminder of the higher calling in all aspects.
Not the typical 'Hollywood' ending that formulates the good guy always winning, or a happy resolve, but hope in a factual way.
Life isn't always happy, yet when looking closely the good in the world vastly outweighs the bad.
Proper interpretation.
It is how you go about life that brings about happiness.
Manufactured happiness is seeking escape at a cost to yourself, others, and nature.
Drug use is manufactured happiness, as is too much drinking, too much eating, too much sex, etc..
Often continual stimulation is what the human repeats, yet the same or initial happiness is never repeated.
The stimulation that comes through media is overtly manufactured to bring a semblance of happiness, but it only dulls the senses to the point of indifference.
So much of media's programming is based on the human's animal side.
Thanks to media, sex, violence, and hunger is closer than ever before.
It's no further than our fingertips, now.
So is faith, hope, and love closer to us thanks to media... yet these have always been much closer.
Choose wisely.
Select your programming according to your true needs, not so much your wants.
A wide spectrum of ideas, ideologies, and both high and low passions are available at the fingertips of children today.
I am grateful there are not as many murders than murderous media children consume daily.
From animal documentaries I've learned how people should treat one another.
Some animals seem to express a semblance of kindness to one another or even other species - my anthropomorphism.
From animal documentaries I've also learned how easily people mistreat others.
Some animals mistreat their same species, through violence, greed, abnormal sexual proclivities, besides those species they feed on subdue - again my anthropomorphism.
Remember to recognize the ways in which you are like the animals while still in the flesh.
Realize your flesh is subject to this material world (nature).
Thus polluting the environment is polluting yourself.
Trash goes into the ground and / or into the sea, and it comes back to harm you (cycle of life).
Mismanaging animals and breaking the natural order, as in the case of 'Mad Cow disease', mankind only harms himself.
Remember to recognize the ways in which you are not like the animals.
Something greater lives in you... thus your higher thoughts and higher manners than the animals.
You are their defender, protector, noble manager.
The calling is high, yet the rewards are adequately higher.
Be grateful for how all of nature, especially the animals, support your earthly existence in so many ways.
Realize the many lessons God grants mankind through nature, especially the animals.
And this is what I learn when watching a decent animal documentary.
Be wise in your consumption of whatever is marketed to you through media.
Although I am entertained by all kinds of media programming, much of it I find detestable.
So much pandering to ignorance, depravity, and placating people's low demeanors.
It is no wonder the world continues to reflect its programming and the programming the world.
A downward spiral.
But we are called to grow, to propel exponentially upwards.
What should be 'programmed' is a sobering measure of humanity, with that reminder of the higher calling in all aspects.
Not the typical 'Hollywood' ending that formulates the good guy always winning, or a happy resolve, but hope in a factual way.
Life isn't always happy, yet when looking closely the good in the world vastly outweighs the bad.
Proper interpretation.
It is how you go about life that brings about happiness.
Manufactured happiness is seeking escape at a cost to yourself, others, and nature.
Drug use is manufactured happiness, as is too much drinking, too much eating, too much sex, etc..
Often continual stimulation is what the human repeats, yet the same or initial happiness is never repeated.
The stimulation that comes through media is overtly manufactured to bring a semblance of happiness, but it only dulls the senses to the point of indifference.
So much of media's programming is based on the human's animal side.
Thanks to media, sex, violence, and hunger is closer than ever before.
It's no further than our fingertips, now.
So is faith, hope, and love closer to us thanks to media... yet these have always been much closer.
Choose wisely.
Select your programming according to your true needs, not so much your wants.
A wide spectrum of ideas, ideologies, and both high and low passions are available at the fingertips of children today.
I am grateful there are not as many murders than murderous media children consume daily.
From animal documentaries I've learned how people should treat one another.
Some animals seem to express a semblance of kindness to one another or even other species - my anthropomorphism.
From animal documentaries I've also learned how easily people mistreat others.
Some animals mistreat their same species, through violence, greed, abnormal sexual proclivities, besides those species they feed on subdue - again my anthropomorphism.
Remember to recognize the ways in which you are like the animals while still in the flesh.
Realize your flesh is subject to this material world (nature).
Thus polluting the environment is polluting yourself.
Trash goes into the ground and / or into the sea, and it comes back to harm you (cycle of life).
Mismanaging animals and breaking the natural order, as in the case of 'Mad Cow disease', mankind only harms himself.
Remember to recognize the ways in which you are not like the animals.
Something greater lives in you... thus your higher thoughts and higher manners than the animals.
You are their defender, protector, noble manager.
The calling is high, yet the rewards are adequately higher.
Be grateful for how all of nature, especially the animals, support your earthly existence in so many ways.
Realize the many lessons God grants mankind through nature, especially the animals.