When Science Meets Politics, Things Can Get Very Confusing

This is some of what I mailed this past [s]election cycle.
Suggestions, advice, and supposedly clear definitions of the issues.
But oh how full of fallacy and ignorance these are.
Sadly, whomever authors these considers the recipients as imbeciles.

At least when you get this in the mail, you are able to dome some research.
Navigating through the already confused (often authored from places of confusion) is a laborious task.
When looking at all measures, arguments, and what is behind these, nothing is agreeable to me.
According to my ethical stance and moral value set, all of this is foreign to me.
No single person, or party, or platform speaks for me nor accurately represents me.

There was a study some years ago that claimed a conservative political stance was related to psychoticism (what may lead to psychosis and other mental issues). 

Here is the wiki article that summarizes (briefly) what happened, how the researchers responded and so on. 

But that conclusion was found to be incorrect when others looked into the information. 

The researchers had made a mistake. 

The actual conclusion was that a liberal political stance led to psychoticism. 

To be fair, there are studies that suggest a conservative stance can lead to neuroticism (what may lead to neuroses and other mental issues). 

I guess either way, you're crazy. 


To be even fairer, politics typically speaks its messages through a binary fallacy (false dilemma). 

When I was in my early 20's, I tried figuring out if I was a conservative, or a liberal, or what. 

When I looked at issues one at a time, I would be a conservative regarding one issue, but then a liberal regarding the next, and then back and forth and so on. 

I'm now in the 44th year of life in the flesh... and when I reflected a more 'conservative' stance may have changed to a more 'liberal' one, and vice versa. 

As for politics and how most of its messages are full of hot air and more instigating and ignorant rather than logical and thoughtful, think of watching a sports game. 

Much like two opposing sports teams, politics in the U.S. has rested upon a two group argument... that one must choose one group or the other, instead of a third or fourth or no group. 

What such ploys do is wreak havoc in the minds of people who do not understand these devious tactics. 

No wonder when political tensions rise, violent behavior is justified from BOTH sides of the political divide. 

If only people could look past these evils and recognize the human being across a political isle. 

They may see that other person is very much like them (instead of their mind being split). 

When I have looked into how politicians themselves actually think of themselves and the world, I've notice they are not immune to the irrational influence. 

One may suppose any given politician is very aware of the madness they are participating in, but what I've noticed is that they are mostly unaware. 

They, instead, believe their own brand of baloney. 

This is what politics does to people's minds: encourages division where unity would typically be. 

And where politics does unify people, it typically causes an opposing group in order to reinforce a group's motives or ideas. 

Politics is a wedge that divides otherwise likeminded people. 

Politics removes the humanity quotient and introduces black vs white, good vs bad, left vs right, and so on. 

When people are encouraged to identify themselves through such political definitions, the minds of such people may likely be led down a confusing path. 

Notice how people see themselves as a color (white, black, brown, etc.)... yet are human beings actually ‘colors'? 

Notice how slogans likely may 'intend' to say something, but usually don't say anything. 

Interpretation is assumed, but often your ignorance is being pulled into their already argued ideology. 

Political slogans are largely illogical, or built upon a fallacy or some irrational assumption. 

Politics ignores one of life's realities: people change. 

Experience from living in the world often changes someone. 

This change may alter how any given individual may view themselves and the world around them. 

If something seems to be 'wrong' in society, it is political expedient to simply blame an opposing political party. 

What nonsense. 

Yet, this is the typical method touted as 'true'... and so many foolish people believe such foolishness. 

As I see things, people on either side of any political ideology seem to have both neurotic and psychotic tendencies. (to name only two mental issues) 

I think this is due to people being so beholden to their political ideology, or a political group, or labels, that they fail to realize when their party contradicts their values. 

The hope is that it is possible to look past the ignorance and the noise and clearly see not only what you are being fed, but who you are. 

It is possible to look in the mirror and learn 'why' you currently hold either conservative or liberal views regarding any given issue. 

If we are led by the nose to follow political arguments, you may be ignoring what your heart thinks regarding any given issue. 

This is yet another reason people are very mentally challenged and utterly confused when asked to explain themselves regarding why they hold certain political ideas. 

Consider what this passage is speaking to your heart when you consider your place in the world... but not of this world: 
If any of you has a dispute with another, do you dare to take it before the ungodly for judgment instead of before the Lord’s people? 
Or do you not know that the Lord’s people will judge the world? 
And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? 
Do you not know that we will judge angels? 
How much more the things of this life! 
Therefore, if you have disputes about such matters, do you ask for a ruling from those whose way of life is scorned in the church? 
I say this to shame you. 
Is it possible that there is nobody among you wise enough to judge a dispute between believers? 
But instead, one brother takes another to court—and this in front of unbelievers! 
The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. 
Why not rather be wronged? 
Why not rather be cheated? 
Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers and sisters.  
Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? 
Do not be deceived: 
Neither the sexually immoral, 
nor idolaters, 
nor adulterers, 
nor men who have sex with men, 
nor thieves, 
nor the greedy, 
nor drunkards, 
nor slanderers, 
nor swindlers, 
will inherit the kingdom of God. 
And that is what some of you were. 
But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Yeshua Christ and by the Spirit of our God. 
- 1 Corinthians 6: 1-11 
When people who claim to know Christ, or love Him, or follow Him, and yet let themselves get led astray by the noise in the news about politics and such... notice how easily they've been defeated.

Can you identify some who either claim to be Christian, yet are living like the sins listed in that passage?

How about those who claim to be Christian yet uphold these sins as public policy or as a 'right'?

What of those who swindled thousands of people out of their homes during the 2009 recession?

What of those who slander others publicly, and are somehow applauded and cheered by so-called Christians.

Surely many are very much defeated and know it not.

Instead of building on God's love, they are overwhelmed by hating the very people they've been called to love.

Friends, family, honor the Lord thy God with all your heart, your mind, and your strength, and leave the political pandering to those who idolize politics and so-called 'leaders'.


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