Be Fearless

Unfortunately, fear is very real.  I had a conversation this morning with a gentleman that wanted to know what system of belief I followed before delving into topics of politics and religion.  We have spoken several times before, but after the latest media fear-mongering, he is cautious.  During the conversation, I could tell he was worried if I was a Muslim.  I told him my particular upbringing and explained to Him that I was in fact a “Muslim.”  I further explained that the term ‘Muslim’ is derived from Islam, which literally means “in submission to God;” the manner in which Abraham was submissive to God when tested to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice to God.

I further explained that the unfortunate manner in which certain words are used and the context in which they are used easily divide otherwise like-minded people.  I told him I was Christian due to the faith that I have in the risen Christ.  I am Muslim because I submit my will and life to God like Abraham did.  I am Buddhist because I am conscience of people and nature all around me.  I am Jewish because I put my faith in the One and Only God Almighty; Creator of heaven and earth.  I am Hindu because I aim to see the variety of ways God works in life and how He teaches us in so many ways. 

Words made by men can be divisive.  Yeshua called His followers “disciples” which means students / followers.  But we have today Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, Mormons, etc.  God calls us to be His children, but today we have varieties of man-made religions. 

We are all, by blood ties, sons of Noah. 

Science has proven we all descend from a single line. 

We are one, just Like God.


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