Cold In The North Pole

Polarize / ˈpōləˌrīz / verb

1. restrict the vibrations of ( a transverse wave, especially light ) wholly or partially to one direction.

2. cause (something) to acquire polarity.

3. divide or cause to divide into two sharply contrasting groups or sets of opinions or beliefs.

You’ve most likely heard the term “polarizing” when hearing political opinions or policy in the media.

It is interesting to realize that prior to a person hearing ideas or opinions having to do with religion, politics, ethnicity, culture and so on, that person’s mind is mostly a blank slate.  Can a newborn baby automatically be any political or religious term from birth?  Does the infant ‘know’ such things?  The fact is that infant is like a clean canvas prior to being touched by a paintbrush. 

We have all been influenced and ‘painted’ in a certain way. 

Have you noticed when certain terms are spoken either in the media or in conversation that the mind of the listener fashions itself around already ‘painted’ notions?  This is the product of the ‘polarizing’ effect that certain words, themes and ideas have. 

Although each of us have a sense of right and wrong of what can be considered good as opposed to bad, we have been painted to accept things as wrong instead of right and things as bad instead of good. 

Next time you feel yourself being swayed into a manner of thought about others, remember that those whom the media paints as ‘enemies’ also breathe in very much the same way as you do.  Those who the media says are ‘against’ you also have life in their blood.  Those who you may have been raised to ‘hate’ or look at with suspicion also may have had a similar upbringing in painting you in a negative way. 


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