Placebo For Freedom

To the Jews who had believed Him, Yeshua said, “If you hold to My teaching, you are really My disciples.  Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

- John 8: 31-32

The latter part of this passage “the truth will set you free” is used quite a lot in reference to ‘truths’ which bring about ‘freedom.’  I’ve seen it used in political discussions a lot.  I acknowledge there is a lot of ‘truth’ to be uncovered in politics, but let’s search for what exact ‘truth’ is being discussed in context here.  This particular message is not talking about politics but something which is later explained to the audience.

Taking the passage point by point, we read a specific message made to people who happened to have believed Yeshua.  Much like the phenomenon of the Placebo Effect, very miraculous and amazing things happen when belief / faith is applied.  This is very much the case when considering ‘who’ Yeshua is and believing His message(s).  

In context, Yeshua is speaking with a Jewish audience comprised of religious leaders who are questioning and doubting ‘who’ He says He is, besides ‘what’ He’s saying.  I’d like to point out the first point of the passage which speaks about faith.  

Have you noticed if someone doesn’t believe something, it is unlikely they will ‘see’ or realize anything past their doubt?

Yeshua declares to those who believed Him:

- if you hold to My teaching 

How does one hold onto a teaching?

- having held to the teaching, one would be His disciple 

Like an internship or simply a title / by association?

- one would then know ‘the truth’ 

What truth?

- that truth would set them free 

Free from what?

Seems to speak to experience producing an understanding.


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