For The Money

Recently I viewed a documentary about the man the teevee show “Breaking Bad” is based on.  I typically don’t follow mainstream media programming.  I heard about the show via social media and public billboards.  Aside from the obvious of broken families, prison time and the thousands of addicts, I heard something from the man’s mouth that is usually accepted as a typical draw in life.

The man expressed how, although earning a decent living from working construction, he made more money making methamphetamine.  This was the motivation for him to quit his labor job and focus on making this addictive synthetic drug. 

How many of us can relate to his confession?

“Relate” in terms of pursuing things which bring more money.  I don’t mean ‘relate’ as in selling drugs to replace a regular job or business.  Perhaps this pursuit to make more money is simply a given or a natural attraction for people.  I’d like to mention something beyond the obvious.  Isn’t the question of whether something is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ usually ignored in pursuing more money?  We see this slippery slope with so many people.  Usually people justify their occupation with the need to make more money.  The question whether their pursuit is actually ‘right’ or ‘wrong,’ besides being ‘legal,’ is typically ignored.  It is interesting how society can legalize some activity while it is arguably immoral.

It is legal to lend money at interest, but some see past the easy money and realize interest is wrong and mathematically insoluble.  Abortion is legal and some doctors earn a living from this procedure, but some folks see abortion as simple murder of someone not yet able to defend themselves. 

What are some things you’ve done for more money which, when soberly and honestly looked at, was not good or right?


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