The Food Bank

This morning I pass by a building with a banner announcing a time and date for a Food Bank. I've been to several of these before. As I walked by, I began to experience a play of words in my head.

At a Food Bank, you are credited with food. Some food needs preparation, other items can be consumed immediately. There is no interest charged. No debt is realized.

At a Money Bank, you are indebted with paper. Depending on the kind of paper you are given, special attention is given to the terms. Interest is always charged.

Interesting that the food is something which will go bad if not used while the money can be used at any time.

What if the roles were reversed?

What if the money had a time limit to its use while the food would last a long time.

Why can't money be credited to anyone who comes to the Money Bank?

Why isn't the food charged interest?

Imagine receiving a dozen eggs from the Food Bank and having to return later that month with two eggs as payment for the 12! Sounds preposterous. But this is the expectation with the paper money.

Let us consider: the money was printed out ( in cash form ) or 'made' on a computer screen much like I press buttons on this computer keyboard and letters make words.

The food was grown somewhere. People were needed to harvest the food, package it, deliver it, etc.

Although folks come up with new recipes or ways of preparing food every day, who made the food? 

However, with money, that idea was made up some time ago.

One still cannot eat money.

Money is used to buy food.

Food is sold for money.

Can money be removed from the equation?


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