Valuable Friendships
I had a friend today
tell me in anger and disappointment what they really thought about
me. I don't think they are my friend any more ( as they see it )
although I still consider them my friend despite their words. I have
learned a great deal from them from past conversations and a greater
deal now hearing them express themselves without filters.
I listened to their
thoughts on my work, my lifestyle, my faith and my points of view.
Not to share every bit of criticism that filled my ears this morning,
I'd like to respond to what I heard and how their angry attack helped
me ( sounds nuts, I'm sure ).
There is always some
truth when people are willing to unleash their unfiltered thoughts.
I embrace these moments. I try to decipher what is said in angst and
hatred as opposed to what is honestly seen and was held in respect.
I was told to actually help others instead of having fireside type
chats with people in coffee shops. This was already on my heart.
Hearing it from this person gave weight to what was already being
made clear by Him who speaks to our innermost thoughts.
I used to boast
about all the things I had, was doing and thought about doing next.
Since my current chats are not always about these things, some
opinions are that I have not accomplished much in my life thus far.
I'm sure this is supposed and I understood why this would be an
important priority for many. Seeing a lack of ambition in someone
like me can be confusing for those who gauge life according to
secular pursuits.
Another lesson
learned today; people are sensitive although they may seem strong and
unfazed by others or people's opinions.