A More Perfect Union
The interpretation of terms is dependent on a reader's mindset and outlook.
Dependent also is the intention of what is written; its message.
When the second paragraph of the United States Constitution was penned with the words “...all men are created equal...,” this phrase was not inclusive to all human beings, or all men.
The men agreeing to that constitution most likely perceived “men” as those who resembled themselves, according to the limited horizon we all would have when looking as far as our identity and ideology allows us.
If that phrase extended to include every man who resided on the landmass that was later to be called “America,” this phrase would have outlawed slavery and indifference to indigenous people by default.
But we know it didn't.
The mindset at that point in time, within the popular consensus of those men's world experience, had a limited view... obviously.
The journey from when that constitution was written to the present has been a struggle of the heart, aside from reason, understanding, interpretation and other factors.
What has been evident is what the initial interpretation and most likely intention was for those who drafted and agreed to this writing.
Did you know; the Emancipation Proclamation was a presidential proclamation and executive order?
Although Lincoln is quoted stating “If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it...,” we can see how such executive powers can override the nearsightedness of those who represent financial interests... and slave ownership was a major financial interest for many men at that time.
Aside from attempting to judge the heart of a man by his words, the interpretation to include all men was forwarded within an American century.