He Proved and Approved
I had an amazing discussion with a Syrian friend recently.
Growing up Muslim, he believes Islamic tradition saying Muhammad is greater than Jesus.
We both agree God is One.
He considers us on the same page of peace.
Amen (so be it).
I declared how in His time, miracles / signs proved Jesus and the Gospel to be true, and miracles / signs Today approve His believer's testimony, myself being such a witness.
I share in this article the Quran's information (in bold heading dating from the 7th-Century After Christ) regarding Isa / Jesus / Yeshua.
I have also included the Scripture testimony from the Bible (Old and New Testaments) and their general dates.
Remember that Muhammad (and his poetry, the Quran) began in 7th century Arabia, over 600 hundred years after Messiah appeared on earth, and well over 1,000 years after the Old Testament prophecies / testimonies.
In other words; Muhammad and his poetry had some knowledge of the Bible since the Bible's contents preceded Muhammad by many hundreds of years.
It is then no surprise to find many of the same and similar Biblical narratives in the Quran, with some differences... and at times great disparity.
[ I have included links to textual sources. You can view various translations by various translators - I recommend reading all translations for clarity and objectivity ]
The Quran says Yeshua was born of a virgin - 7th-Century After Christ
The Old Testament said similar: Isaiah 7: 14 - 7th-Century Before Christ
The New Testament said similar: Luke 1: 26-38 - 1st-Century After Christ
The New Testament said similar: Matthew 1: 18-23 - 1st-Century After Christ
The Quran says Yeshua spoke as an infant - 7th-Century After Christ
The source of this particular story: Infancy Gospel - 2nd-Century After Christ
The Quran says Yeshua was born pure / sinless - 7th-Century After Christ
The New Testament said similar: Hebrews 4: 14-16 - 1st-Century After Christ
The Quran says Yeshua created birds from clay and breathed life into them - 7th-Century After Christ
The Old Testament said similar: Genesis 2: 7 - pre-15th-Century Before Christ
The Quran says Yeshua is from Imran; honored as the “greatest people / nation” - 7th-Century After Christ
The Old Testament said similar: Micah 5: 2 - 7th-Century Before Christ
The Old Testament said similar: Genesis 1: 3 - pre-15th-Century Before Christ
The New Testament said similar: John 1: 14 - 1st-Century After Christ
The New Testament said similar: Revelation 19: 11-16 - 1st-Century After Christ
The Quran says Yeshua gave the blind sight, raised the dead - 7th-Century After Christ
The New Testament said similar: Luke 7: 20-23 - 1st-Century After Christ
The Quran says Yeshua was called Messiah, but incompletely defined - 7th-Century After Christ
The Old Testament said similar: Isaiah 4: 3-5 - 7th-Century Before Christ
The Quran says Yeshua's death predicted - 7th-Century After Christ
The Old Testament said similar: Daniel 9: 24-26 - 6th-Century Before Christ
The Quran says Yeshua physically died - 7th-Century After Christ
The Old Testament said similar: Isaiah 53 - 7th-Century Before Christ
The New Testament said similar: John 19: 25-37 - 1st-Century After Christ
[ Regarding death, please also read verse 3.55 from Surah Al-Imran (chapter 3) by these translators ]:
- Edip Yüksel
- Mohamed Ahmed
- Muhammad Asad
- Abdul Daryabadi
The Quran says Yeshua has power over death - 7th-Century After Christ
The Old Testament said similar: Isaiah 26: 19 - 7th-Century Before Christ
The New Testament said similar: 2 Timothy 2: 10-13 - 1st-Century After Christ
The Quran says Yeshua raised into heaven - 7th-Century After Christ
The New Testament said similar: Luke 24: 44-53 - 1st-Century After Christ
The Quran says not all will believe or understand Him - 7th-Century After Christ
The Old Testament said similar: Isaiah 8: 11-15 - 7th-Century Before Christ
I asked my friend why he believes Muhammad was greater?
Muhammad sinned, died, was buried, and his bones are still in that tomb.
Jesus lives forever... and this is affirmed in Islamic theology.
Muhammad knew not his fate nor that of his followers.
Jesus returned into heaven and promised His followers salvation.
Amazingly and, according to God's timing, this happened when ending our conversation:
A man near us hears me declare “Jesus is Lord” after I shared the manner Jesus proclaimed His divinity: “before Abraham was, I Am.”
The man also exclaims Jesus is Lord and testifies how he saw Jesus forty years ago.
His told us how his heart stopped due to a heart attack after suffering from several health issues for some time.
Jesus appeared to him saying it wasn't his time pass over.
Coming back to life, the man's health issues were healed.
He is a walking testimony... and this testimony was heard by my Muslim friend.