Fall Into Loving Others

This is a message to those who still view the world and people as if God needs you to forgo being a loving example and ignore extending His grace to others as it has been extended to you.

Some would argue that not mentioning to people their sins (those not in the church / not claiming to know and follow Christ) is not loving them, and forwarding a passive and watered-down Gospel message.

Is this true?

Are we to judge those inside the church or those outside?

How did Christ deal with the sin of others?

Considering the parables about seeds, seasons and a harvest, and looking at ourselves and our past, do people become "perfect" from one day to the next? (aside from God's grace perfecting the believer, but I'm speaking of the human perspective in keeping a perfect record)

Or is it a process, first something has to die, then something else growing in its place... and then a life of certain irremovable thorns to keep God's children humble?

Here we understand grace despite our nature.

We can view the list of sins (a-b) which prevent entrance into the kingdom of God, but shall we begin speaking of sin lists to people who know not Christ?

Shouldn't we speak firstly of His love, His grace, His kingdom (as is taught in the Gospel message) and when their hearts respond, to further help them search their hearts and see what needs repenting from?

Didn't Christ build relationships with those who accepted Him or eventually would?

Why do people today follow the concepts and doctrines of men when Christ exemplified something quite unique and different?

The entire message is love.

If one does not start with love, why would they expect to end with love?

Love covers a multitude of sin.


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